Consider Your Options
Fear of the unknown, particularly of the unknown world of pregnancy and parenthood, can be powerful and crippling. Because of that, we seek to help you along the journey of pregnancy by providing you with information and tools to make the best decisions for your unique situation. We understand that each person who walks through our doors seeking pregnancy support has an entire world of circumstances that shape and affect their decisions. We listen well and offer practical support and factual information so you can make a fully informed decision.
Parenting can be one of life’s greatest joys, but it can also seem a little overwhelming at first if you were not planning on being a parent quite yet. We are here to help you think through this pregnancy option and share with you all of the resources that are available to help you with pregnancy and parenting.
We have talked to hundreds of clients who are concerned about things like:
I can’t tell my family.
My boyfriend/husband doesn’t want the baby.
How will I finish school?
I don’t have medical insurance.
I can’t afford a child.
I am too young.
We can talk through these questions and others to help you decide if parenting is right for you.
There are many reasons to choose adoption. You might consider adoption if you:
Don’t feel ready to parent but don’t want to have an abortion.
Want to provide your child with emotional and financial stability.
Want to provide your child with a two-parent family.
In today’s adoptions, you can know your child and be a part of your child’s life. You can have peace knowing your child is loved and cared for by a couple you choose.
If you are interested in adoption, you will likely have a lot of questions about the process. We can help you understand your options and connect you with a local agency that will offer support at no cost to you.
We are here to help you understand what is happening to your body and your developing baby. Often our clients are unaware of how abortions are performed, what will be done to their bodies, and the risks associated with abortion procedures. Our staff and volunteers will take the time to explain all abortion procedures so that you can truly make an informed decision about what you want for yourself and your unborn child.
We do not perform or refer for abortions.
Pregnancy Information
Whether you think you may be pregnant or are certain you are, you may have questions. Our website provides accurate and current information to help answer your questions about pregnancy.